Wisconsin Corn to Host Trade Policy School

Wisconsin Corn is partnering with the U.S. Grains Council and the National Corn Growers Association to bring Trade Policy School to Wisconsin.

Shane Goplin from Wisconsin Corn Growers says Trade Policy School aims at educating and empowering grower leaders on trade topics.

“We have the opportunity to bring the national and the global level back to Central Wisconsin. So. what it is, is teaming up with National Corn Growers Association, United States Grain Council, and also the Corps of Engineers are coming to La Crosse August 22 and 23. And they’re going to be basically sharing their story of what they do  to find homes for our grains.” 

The event also demonstrates the importance of trade to agriculture and how it works.

“What it takes to actually get corn from beyond our cornfields to distillers grain going to Ireland, or corn going to China, Mexico and all over the country, and it’s an opportunity for producers to find out where their checkoff dollars go. We’re going to show them how good their money is spent across the globe.” 

Learn more about the event online.

“You can go on, that’s going to take you to a link where you can sign up, it’s free for whoever wants to come.” 

In addition to the Trade Policy School portion, a boat tour of the Lock and Dam in La Crosse is also part of the event.