SC Commissioner Weathers: Farmer’s Market Week

This week we celebrate the importance of farmers markets to our economy and our communities. National Farmers Market Week is August 6-12, 2023.

Farmers markets help farmers prosper: Farmers and ranchers receive only 15 cents of every dollar that consumers spend at traditional food outlets. At a farmers market, 100% of that dollar goes to the farmer.

Farmers markets help new and beginning farmers: In 2020, producers of farms that sold local food directly were more likely than all U.S. farms to be female and age 34 or younger. (Source: Farmers Market Coalition)

Farmers markets increase access to fresh, nutritious food.

How to Find a Market:

Our agency operates three state farmers markets, in Greenville, the Midlands, and the Pee Dee.

We also oversee the South Carolina Association of Farmers Markets, which is a nonprofit statewide organization that supports and promotes farmers market members.

And there are dozens of other markets throughout the state, serving communities and connecting people to fresh food.

Find a market near you by visiting and clicking “Where to Buy Local”.

With so much Certified SC Grown produce and other products in season, it’s a great week to visit a farmers market.