Rep. Davis: Ag Committee Prioritizing on the Farm Bill

It seems a foregone conclusion now that the 2023 Farm Bill will not be completed before the existing farm bill is set to expire on September the 30th. And North Carolina Democrat Congressman Don Davis is disappointed in that

I’m not optimistic that we’ll be able to come back in September and have it done on time. And especially, you know, as we also have been become increasingly aware of the different dynamics, you know, we pass a farm bill out of committee, it goes to rules committee and who knows what happens now, come out the rules committee.

However, Davis says he has heard from farmers the things they feel need to be addressed in this bill.

As we were with Congressman Rouzer and the chair, I mean, they’re just central concerns that continue to come up: crop insurance, reference pricing costs, you know, marketing regulations, I mean, the list goes on and on. I have my own list, things that we’re focused on as well. And, obviously those issues are near and dear to me because they are great concerns of constituents. Rural development is also a great concern.

And with limited funds, Davis says it’s necessary to prioritize what’s really important.

When we say not a whole lot of new money, it puts us in a situation of really having to sort through the highest priorities and look at where you can find the wins. And that’s the approach that I’m taking in this, walk away with a win for our farmers anywhere that we can get it.

He’s also working on passing the bipartisan Precision Agriculture Act, introduced in the Senate by John Thune and Raphael Warnock.

That is greatly important in terms of how we promote precision agriculture, and how we equip ourselves to meet the rising challenges of the future, through robotics, sensors, monitors, drones, and really preparing for the future and continuing to integrate technology into agriculture.

Davis asks farmers and ranchers to bear with their elected lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

I believe we have some very committed members across the aisle on the Ag Committee, and we’re going to just continue to keep grinding this out and ask everyone to have patience with us. Know that we are concerned about those things that you continue to continue to share with us.