SC Commissioner Weathers: Texas Panhandle Wildfire Relief from SC

We’ve all heard about the wildfires on the Texas Panhandle. Now I hear there’s a South Carolina effort to help. Tell us about it, Commissioner.

Yes, Mike. The Texas ag community has really taken a hit from these wildfires. 

Starting on February 26, fires raged across the Texas Panhandle for more than a week.   

More than 1.2 million acres were burned (1,232,456 acres to be specific).

Estimates are that thousands of livestock died.

More than 85% of the state’s cattle population is located on ranches in the Panhandle.

The fires are contained now, but very little forageable pasture remains for the livestock that made it through.

Livestock are eating hay as fast as it is arriving.

Our agency is working with SC Farm Bureau, Clemson Extension Livestock and Forages, and the South Carolina Cattlemen’s Association to organize hay donations to help the Texas ag community.

Please contact Sam Quinney at [email protected] or 803-413-4326 if you can donate hay or money.

We are running donations through the SC Cattlemen’s Association, and Sam can give you that information.

We’ll be coordinating hay donations to make up full loads, and Sam can assist with that as well.

Farmers always pull together when things are tough. I know Texas would do the same for our producers. I hope your listeners can chip in to help.